daily.dev changelog
daily.dev changelog

The Companion Widget is here! 🤯




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Major Announcement


daily.dev has just added a new feature that will change the way you discuss things forever!

Let me introduce you to the companion widget!

The companion allows you to upvote, comment on and bookmark articles…all while on the article itself!

No more switching back to daily.dev to leave a comment or an upvote, just look to the side of your page, and if daily.dev has the page in its feed the companion widget will be there!

Watch this quick 2 minute video explaining how to activate the companion widget, and what new superpowers it unlocks!

Want to try it out?

You can find full instructions on how to activate the companion in the daily.dev docs.

If you want to get started quickly, go to the daily.dev extension, look at the top right of the screen and you should see a purple button. Click that button and follow the instructions to enable the companion!

Once you have activated the companion, it will redirect you to a page introducing all of the features of the companion.

On the page you are redirected to you can try out the companion widget and leave a comment letting us know what you think of our shiny new feature if you want!